
A-23 Mudéjar highway: Section Mainar-Paniza


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Ministry of Public Works, Spain
Site supervision

Scope includes supervision of a 13 km section of the A-23 Mudéjar highway, which runs through the municipal areas of Villarreal de Huerva, Cerveruela, Paniza and Cariñena. The section follows the N-330 corridor from Alicante to France via Zaragoza with a South-North orientation. A key reference point is the 805 m viaduct at the Paniza pass and the 266 m viaduct over the River Huerva. Other key structures include a “diamond” interchange, 4 overpasses, 5 underpasses and 23 cross-drainage culverts.

A key aspect of the works was earth moving, with quarry-run and rock-fill 25m in height, and levelling in different rock formations (slate, quartzite and sandstone) of 40m in height, for which it was mostly necessary to resort to the use of explosives.