Water and Environment

Improvement in regulation in Alto Aragon irrigation


Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro
Feasibility studies | Detailed design

The “Riegos del Alto Aragón” (Aragon Highland Irrigation) area, with its 175,000 ha is the largest irrigation scheme in the European Union. However, as the centenary of its creation (1915), there are still issues remaining to be resolved. This study included an extensive compilation and thorough compendium of all works, studies and projects carried out in the Gállego-Cinca inter-basin area. As a result, a series of proposals (for new infrastructures and management) have been made to resolve existing problems, setting out the origin, need and fitness as compared to other possibilities analysed in the past. The project includes considerations of an energy and environmental nature. An operation simulation model has also been made (resources/demands balance), as well as a hydraulic study of the Monegros canal (90 km), and a design for its renovation.