Water and Environment

Support for institutional reinforcement to Dinepa: Republic of Haiti


AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation) y DINEPA (National water and sanitation company, Haiti)
2011-In execution
Institutional support

DINEPA is the National Water and Sanitation Directorate of the Republic of Haiti.

The work was carried out in 4 phases:

  • Phase 0: Updating of methodology and strategy plan, in coordination with key personnel from DINEPA and specialist technicians.
  • Phase 1: Commissioning and consolidation of DINEPA. Consolidation of structure planning, regulation, coordination and support to management for the management of planned investment. USD 100 million per year.
  • Phase 2: Commissioning and consolidation of the OREPAs (decentralised bodies).
  • Phase 3: Completion of work, ensuring sustainability of the work once the contract was concluded.